this was an answer
Par cgat le samedi 7 juin 2008, 01:05 - écrivains - Lien permanent
00 Source text
To be or not to be, that is the question01 Alphabetically
Note at his behest : bet on toot or quit03 Lipogram in c, d, f, g, j, k, l, m, p, v, w, x, y, z
To be or not to be, that is the question04 Lipogram in a
To be or not to be, this is the question05 Lipogram in i
To be or not to be, that's the problem06 Lipogram in e
Almost nothing, or nothing : but which ?07 Transposition (W + 7)
To beckon or not to beckon, that is the quinsy08 Strict palindrome
No, it's (eu) qeht sit. Ah ! te botton roebot09 Missing letter
To be or not to be hat is the question10 Two missing letters
To be or not to be at is the question11 One letter added
To bed or not to be, that is the question12 Negation
To be or not to be, that is not the question13 Emphasis
To be, if you see what I mean, to be, be alive, exist, not just keep hanging around ; or (and that means one or the other, no getting away from it) not to be, not be alive, not exist, to - putting it bluntly - check out, cash in your chips, head west : that (do you read me ? not « maybe this » or « maybe something else ») that is, really is, irrevocably is, the one and only inescapable, overwhelming, and totally preoccupying ultimate question.14 Curtailing
Not to be, that is the question15 Curtailing (different)
To be or not to be, that is16 Double curtailing
Not to be, that is17 Triple contradiction
You call this life ? And everything's happening all the time ? Who's asking ?18 Another point of view
Hamlet, quit stalling !19 Minimal variations
To see or not to see
To flee or not to flee
To pee or not to pee20 Antonymy
Nothing and something : this was an answer21 Amplification
To live forever or never to have been born is a concern that has perplexed humanity from time immemorial and still does22 Reductive
One or the other - who knows ?23 Permutation
That is the question : to be or not to be24 Interference
a) Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow :
That is the question
b) To be or not to be
Creeps through this petty pace from day to day And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death25 Isomorphisms
Speaking while singing : this defines recitativo
Getting and spending we lay waste our powers26 Synonymous
Choosing between life and death confuses me27 Subtle insight
Shakespeare knew the answer28 Another interference
Put out the light, and then ? That is the question29 Homoconsonantism
At a bier, a nutty boy, too, heats the queasy tone30 Homovocalism
Lode of gold ore affirms evening's crown31 Homophony
Two-beer naughty beat shatters equation32 Snowball with an irregularity
yours truly
Shakespeare33 Heterosyntaxism
I ask myself, is it worth it, or isn't it ?34 In another meter
So should I be, or should I not ?
This question keeps me on the trot35 Interrogative mode
Do I really care whether I exist or not ?
(We leave the reader saddled with this painful question.)Harry Mathews, « 35 Variations on a theme from Shakespeare »
C’était hier soir le dernier Jeudi de l’Oulipo de la saison, « Oulipolyglotte », sur le thème
des langues et de leurs traductions.
Ian Monk y a notamment lu de
manière très efficace cet exercice de style de Harry Mathews, qui fait écho aux
« 35 variations sur un thème
de Marcel Proust » de Georges Perec sur « Longtemps je me suis
couché de bonne heure » (35 lettres) en 1974. Les deux séries, et quelques
autres, ont été reprises dans 30 variations
(Castor Astral, 1999).
2B VS -2B ?
pas mal du tout, la version sms !
Pour être plus précis :
2B VS -2B = "?"
!! et celle de « longtemps je me suis couché de bonne heure », tu la vois comment ?
"zzzzzzzzzz..." (Proust)
ça le fait !
(... même si c'est moins précis)
Forcément, t'as choisi un truc pas vraiment essémessable !...
« un truc pas vraiment essémessable » : comment il parle de la Recherche, lui !